Port Alberni Victim Services provides support and referrals to victims of crime and trauma. Crime affects people financially, emotionally and physically. Victim services workers strive to help victims of crime in our community to deal with these needs. If you are a victim of crime, a Victim Service Worker can assist you.
A Victim Service Worker provide services such as the following:
- emotional support
- help to deal with the aftermath of a serious crime
- practical assistance, such as going with you to talk to the police
- liaison with Crown counsel
- information about the criminal justice system and the court process
- accompaniment if you go to court, and assistance with preparing for court
- help to prepare a Victim Impact Statement
- notification on the status of your court case
- to both victims and those protected by civil protection orders, notification of the provincial custody status of the offender
- information and assistance regarding peace bonds or protection orders and having it registered in the Protection Order Registry so police have 24-hour access to the content and status of your order which is important to being able to take immediate enforcement action.
- assistance with applications for financial assistance / benefits, if eligible
- referrals to appropriate agencies and services
- There is no cost for these services.
For more information please contact:
Port Alberni Victim Services Program (R.C.M.P.) c/o Tamara Cocco
Manager RCMP Victim Services, Port Alberni, Tofino and Ucluelet
R.C.M.P. Detachment, 4444 Morton Street
Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 4M8
Direct: 250-724-8910
Fax: 250-724-8986
RCMP: 250-723-2424
Office hours are 9 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday
Alberni Community and Women’s Services Society
Victim Services BC website https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/
VictimLink BC 1-800-563-0808